Greenblatt & Veliev, LLC

How do airbags protect?

Jan 22, 2019 @ 12:00 AM — by Lonnie Greenblatt
Tagged with: Lonnie Greenblatt Car Accident Faq Motor Vehicle Accident

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Staying safe on Maryland roadways is a combination of using safe driving habits and using the safety devices in your vehicle. In the event of a crash, your best protection is your seat belt and the vehicle's air bags. Now standard on vehicles, air bags are actually a relatively new safety device. People are often wary of them and do not completely understand how they protect in an accident. Understanding how they work and keep you safe is important because it will enable you to be sure you get the most protection from them.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration explains air bags must be used in coordination with seat belts to work properly. You could suffer serious injuries if you do not use your seat belt and the air bags deploy. In addition, sitting too close to the air bag also poses a risk.

Your air bags work to keep your body from striking the inside of the vehicle. They deploy during a crash. You may find them in the front of your vehicle in the steering wheel and dashboard. Your vehicle may also have side and rear air bags that cushion you from the sides and the back. Advanced frontal air bags are technologically advanced. They have more ability to determine when to deploy and how hard to deploy in a crash for the best protection.

You should note that you can only use an air bag one time. It needs to be replaced if it deploys. This information is for education. It is not legal advice.

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